We try to guess what disturbing things people ask Google! Turns out people are really weird.
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They're bigger, better, really weird and ready to battle! The dragons that is, not us.
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Cut down a tree. Built a SlingSHOT. Used it.
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And still on iPhone: http://bit.ly/DPGameiPhone
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I made the worst garden known to man in Garden Flipper
Honey I'm Trash ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwPHOawiFBs
►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye
after 100 seasons we change the game
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Submit M E M E S: https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/ ༼♥ل͜
Dude, perfect. Thanks to /r/beamazed and of course Dude Perfect.
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Download the app to play it yourself here!! https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1005017298?mt=8
We force YouTubers to attempt our The 7 Second Challenge game! If we had any friends,
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