-MLP Speed Paint- Mini Markiplier Pony Pixel Page Doll

  • My first speed paint. How fun! :D Actually this has been quite cool to look back at. It almost looks like I know what I'm doing -.- But yeah, here's a small Markiplier pony page doll thing that's actually quite cute :3
    Thanks for watching! And subscribe for more speed paints! :D
    deviantART - spitfire-sos.deviantart.com/ (most active here)
    Tumblr - spitfiresos.tumblr.com/ (I do sometimes upload here)
    Final Piece - fav.me/db9zjfg
    Pose Ref - fav.me/das67u1
    Time Taken - About 30 minutes
    Markiplier - www.youtube.com/user/markiplierGAME
    P.S I swear if I see one hateful/nasty thing about me drawing Mark as a pony you will be blocked. No ifs or buts. I don't want to see it. Play nice folks. I draw what I want.

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