When Markiplier is Bored

  • "Hello everybody!"
    This video was the result of a 17 hours non stop work, paying homage to one of my favourite (and possibly THE most favourite) youtuber.
    Mark is lovable, caring, funny and need frequent doses of hugs, so please, if you are reading this, go to his channel and take a look (if you aren't a subscriber, YET).
    He also does many charity oriented stuff, so if you are not tired of being a "lazy bum", get yo ass off the youtube and start donating on his next Livestream.
    "Thanks you all for watching"
    This video is just a parody, like MANY of the "when I'm bored" videos throughout this site and the music used was Sporty-O - Let Me Hit It, modified just a tiny little bit by me.
    Everything is copyrighted by their respective owners, nothing here is mine besides the editing.
    I used Windows Movie Maker for editing, Free Video Converter and Foxtab Video converter for some clips and audio files. I ALSO tuned the audio clip (separate it from the vídeo first, and then, rejoined on final prossess) with EXPStudio Audio Editor.

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