Best Vines from Jenna Marbles

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    You are watching the compilation of some of the best vines from Jenna Marbles. Jenna Marbles is one of the top viners today. These vines are rated among the best as they have been revined and liked the most on Vine.
    Some of the best vines from Jenna Marbles include:
    Week long pass on this roller-coaster?? ?? tag a friend
    Kermit the unicorn
    Lol #theshowwithvinny
    This is what I come home to every day. Snorty piggy excitement noises.
    She crushed so many dicks.
    Common White Girls ????tag someone ??????
    He got fucked up
    We had to be out of the house for a few hours. Let's go naturing!!
    Me failing at stop motion adopt some #furrychildren safe for dogs!
    I tell you joke meow. #loop
    Insulting real engineers with their real life PhDs everywhere.
    It's my birthday tomorrow, so really it's tonight. Dick yeah.
    How to make your dog feel like an inferior species.
    Snaggletooth vine
    What girls lie about ???????? tag a friend
    Get Out All The Pumpkin Guts??????
    Us girls using the restroom ??????
    I. Make. Vine.
    Don't have time to watch Tv when it's on tv ??????
    8am 5k on a Sunday morning. Sure why not. @juliensolomita
    In my shirt. #loop
    Does anyone else ever get too lazy to take a shower, or is it just me?
    Why Would I Want You To Order It?????? FOLLOW FOR MORE
    Don't tell me I have mascara on my eyes.
    All whores
    Marbles howling like the wolf he is.
    If you follow me you get a week long pass on this ;)
    Consider yourself dead!
    Damn straight.
    Guess who's on vine now? Me! Jenna Marbles!!
    Girls plucking their eyebrows be like..
    We hate the sound of bubbles popping. So just stop.
    When I put my hair up & pieces fall out..... ( want a revine? Add me on kik for great deals @ LarenOnVine )
    I'm on vine now follow me lovelys??

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