• A horrific accident on the set of an otherwise pleasantly sexual music video shoot. ..the reason my initial 'Happy 1,000,000 video' didn't go to plan. click here: youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfire to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos :D
    To clarify: yes I was actually on fire but the whole thing was a joke. there was no music video as the whole thing was a joke, but I was legitimately on fire.
    but no really a million subscribers! wow. I don't think I'll ever fully appreciate that number! haha. thanks to everyone that has been with me at any point over the last 3 years, and hey, into the future! the best is yet to come ;D
    and yes that was real fire I actually could have died or become horribly deformed.
    sexy endscreen official song coming to itunes soon (not really) (i wish)
    Danke to: youtube.com/AmazingPhil for ruining everything.
    And the bodacious: www.youtube.com/user/CiaranOBrien89 for filming it.
    Twitter: twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    Facebook: facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    Tumblr: danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

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