hey guys xx
since my life is DISPLAYED on the internets,
I decided to tell you THE STORY OF MY LIFE...
loljks we're not dan..
but since he's bleeding his eyes out doing this video,
we thought we'd help him by uploading our own version of Dan's DML ;)
These people gave birth to this video:
Sister Guinea Pig (Script, drawing, editing) - Australia
Brother Lion (Voice) - England
Sister Triops (Research, script) - Germany
Sister Duck (Research, script) - Japan
Sister Hippogriff (Script) - Gallifrey
Sister Bear (Research, timeline) - England
Sister Llama (Research, timeline) - USA
Sister Fox (Research, script) - Austria
Sister Platypus (Script) - New Zealand
Sister Ferret (Script) - USA
Sister Sloth (Research)
Sister Stingray - Atlantis
Brother Cat - Spain
Sister Lobster
Sister Ladybug
Sister Snake
Sister Manatee
Sister Wyvern
Sister Horse
If you have any questions about where we got our info, leave a comment below or message churchofphan.tumblr.com
[Disclaimer: This is a parody, not meant to offend anyone, just meant to be funny]
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