THE END OF DAN AND PHIL?? (about the quitting youtube rumours)

  • WATCH IN 1080 HD (it makes it seem less bad)
    HI THERE !!!
    this has been requested a lot, so, today i address the rumours surrounding dan and phil quitting youtube in 2019. recently, fans have been speculating about dan and phil's future plans, taking their recent inactive activity as a sign for the worst
    leave me a comment down below and tell me what you think about this, what are your opinions on the situation?? are the rumours justified?
    link to the video of dan saying he doesn't like the current climate of youtube which i can't put in this video or else COPYRIGHT WILL STRIKE ME DOWN - (IT'S AROUND THE 20 MINUTE MARK)
    thank you for watching !!
    i appreciate each and every one of you x

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